Has-13, Watson-Leeming, Belleville


    Building date: Demolished December 1991 for a new Sears building.

    Original use:

    Corner structures:

    Mortar application and content:

    Types and uses of stones:

    Types and choice of windows:

    Structures with similar masonry details:

    Masons who worked on building:

    Unique features:

    Map Location

    Map views courtesy Google Maps. Exact location unknown.

    Editor's Note: The cobblestone structure was razed for Sears to build a store in the Quinte Mall which is located at the SW corner of Hwys 401, Macdonald-Cartier Fwy, and 62, N. Front St., in Belleville. Sears eventually closed the store in 2018.

    Thurlow Township and Hastings County Maps.

    Comments, Additional Information, References

    "Cobblestone Contretemps", ancestral roofs" blog by Linda Pierce, March 21, 2020.


    Watson Leeming house 281852 29 photo credit Lois Foster
    Watson Leeming house 281852 29 photo credit Lois Foster ¹

    ¹ Photography courtesy Lois Foster as displayed in the "ancestral roofs" blogspot posting, "Cobblestone Contretemps".

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